111 Free Phone Number
The practice uses the local deputising service telephone to cover for emergencies from 6.00pm – 6.30pm and any staff training days. After these times please contact NHS 111.
For medical advice please dial 111 from any phone. The NHS 111 service is staffed by a team of fully trained advisers, supported by experienced nurses. They will ask you questions to assess your symptoms, then give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you straightaway to the local service that can help you best. That could be A&E, an out-of-hours doctor , a walk-in centre or urgent care centre, a community nurse, an emergency dentist or a late-opening chemist.
Where possible, the NHS 111 team will book you an appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak to. If you need an ambulance , one will be sent just as quickly as if you had dialled 999.
Call 999 in an EMERGENCY. Chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.